Love, romance and dating through the eyes of a bachelor

Friday, February 19, 2010

Apology Accepted?

So, I watched the Tiger Woods apology this morning.  I was up, so, why not?  Honestly, I was never angry at Tiger.  I never felt he owed me an apology.  I never held him up as a role model, even though I would give my left nut to be able to golf like him. 

My first thoughts when I heard about Tiger's infidelity was, "Heck yeah, Tiger, you go, dude."  Now, I know that's a completely insensitive opinion on my part.  But, frankly, as a bachelor, I had to sit back and ask myself if I would have been any different.

Listen, power and money are great aphrodesiacs.  Women love men with power, women love men with money.  It's why ugly guys get laid.  If I had been Tiger, I probably wouldn't have gotten married, I don't care if she's a blonde Swedish supermodel.  There are just too many women out there to play around with when you're relatively young, good looking, a multi-millionaire and the best golfer in the world. 

It just reeks of temptation, the kind of temptation that better men than me can't resist. 

But apparently millions of American women and members of the religious right didn't see it that way.  They were "outraged" and "ashamed" and, well...outraged, by his actions.  They wanted, no, they DEMANDED an apology for his indescretions. 

Like many other bachelors, I don't judge men who cheat on their wives.  I just don't, so curse me now if you must.  I certainly judge the women they cheat with.  I mean, Hugh Grant was with one of the most beautiful women in the world when he decided to catch a quickie with one very unattractive hooker in the front seat of his car.  I didn't wonder why he cheated.  I wondered why he cheated with a woman who couldn't hold a candle to Elizabeth Hurley in any reality.

When President Clinton cheated on his wife when he was the President, I didn't question why he cheated.  I DID question why he cheated with Monica, when he clearly had better offers from much more attractive women.  It just boggled the mind.  Plus, I was disappointed he lied about cheating. 

Who was going to blame him?  We've seen his wife.  Bachelors everywhere would have cheered him on if he had just said, "Yeah I cheated, have you seen Hillary in the morning?  I did it, and I'd do it again, only this time with Elizabeth Hurley, come on baby, I know you want to get even with that English bastard, let me show you how it's done in the states, baby."

Bachelors would have erected a golden statue of Clinton in Central Park and we'd have little icons of him in our bedrooms that we would worship on a daily basis.

So I didn't, don't and never will demand an apology from Tiger.  I get it.  Bachelors get it.  Tiger should have stayed a bachelor and milked that ride for everything he could get.  God knows I would have.

How about you?  Were you mad at Tiger?  Did you demand an apology?  Was his apology enough for you if you did?  I'm interested to hear from others who were angry with Tiger before today's press conference.  Why were you so upset?  How do you feel about him now? 

Inquiring minds want to know. 

1 comment:

  1. my opinion is much like yours, in the fact that tiger shouldn't have gotten married. if he knew he had a 'problem' (sex addiction), then he should stay single.
    and the women who are coming forward KNEW he was married, so i don't buy the whole 'i was victim' crap.
    also, i don't care. about tiger, or any other celebrity and their personal affairs. it bores me, and i don't want to hear about it anymore.
