Love, romance and dating through the eyes of a bachelor

Friday, April 9, 2010

Great Bachelor Dates!

In honor of opening day of baseball at Coors Field in Denver, I'm going to do something a little bit different.  I've been doing a lot of lamenting and complaining, I think, in this blog lately.  Mea Culpa.  Although I DID get some great comments on yesterday's post.  Thank you to Jane and Amy for offering up the female point of view when it comes to things they hate about bachelors.  Loved it.

For today, I'm going to talk about great dates.  Not so much stories of great dates, although I've had my share.  But really, great, unusual places and activities for dates.  Obviously, this will change from person to person.  But I think any of these could be potential great dates for anyone considering dating a bachelor or bachelorette.

Umm..honey, when you mentioned the mile high club, I had something totally different in mind!

For me, one of my criteria for a "dateable" lady is that she has to enjoy baseball.  She doesn't have to be a walking encyclopedia of baseball stats.  Hell, I don't even have that kind of information, although I DO love me some baseball.  But she has to at least have an appreciate of the game. 

One of the best dates I ever had was at a baseball game.  Scratch that.  Two of the best dates I've ever had was at a baseball game.  The first was years ago, 1994.  Yes, I remember that long ago.  I was a poor kid just starting out in my career and didn't have a lot of money (so at least that part of my bio hasn't changed). 

Baseball date Memory #1

We met at work and I asked her out.  I knew she was a big Cubs fan (note to self, dating a cubs fan is like dating an actress, it almost never works out).  Anyway, the Cubs were in town for a three game series.  The games were still being played at old Mile High Stadium in those days and I scored a couple of tickets from the paper.  My memories of that day are a little fuzzy.  But here's what I DO remember.  I remember we sat in the left field stands (the ones that used to move in and out for baseball games) and we were about halfway up from the huge net that hung up in front of us to make it harder to hit homers on that short left porch (ah, baseball slang, don't you LOVE it!). 

I remember it being a beautiful Colorado summer day.  A front had moved in earlier in the day so it was cooler, a breeze was blowing and the sun was out.  The sky was a deep blue, not a cloud in sight.  The stadium was packed, as is always the case when the Cubs come to town and there were probably more Cubs fans than Rockies fans, even back then. 

We grabbed ourselves a couple of beers and some hot dogs and found our seats to enjoy the game.  Here's a wonderful thing about baseball; you don't actually have to watch the game to stay interested.  In fact, the pleasure of baseball is simply being at the park.  My date looked fantastic in her white shorts and cute little tennis shoes and her long brown hair pulled back into a pony tail which flowed out from under her Cubs baseball cap like a chocolate waterfall. 

I also remember at one point a Rockies batter hit a home run that landed about two rows in front of us.  We were so engrossed in our conversation that we didn't even see it coming until it was almost right on top of us.  We laughed, we exchanged baseball barbs, we cheered for our teams.  It was love at first strike. 

I couldn't tell you the score of the game, although I'm pretty sure the Cubs won.  To be honest, I can't even tell you the name of the woman, although I'm pretty sure it was Cindy.  But the memories of that afternoon, spent with someone I wanted to get to know better and of that wonderful afternoon and of the time spent on a date at the ballpark will never leave me.  Some things stay with you.

Baseball Date Memory #2

The other great date I had at a baseball game came years later when I was working at KUSA.  As a going away gift, the station gave my intern two tickets to the station suite to see a game.  At the time, we had been working together for about four months, very closely and although I had no interest in her when we began, I found myself flirting with her, and she responded. 

She said she had a boyfriend at the time, so I just assumed she would take him to the game.  You can imagine how stunned I was when she asked me to go with her.  Of course I said yes.  Once again, I remember the atmosphere of the game.  The smell of the food, the ice cream in a helmet, the crack of the bat, the view of the emerald field sprawling before us as we look out into the stadium.  It was beautiful. 

I think the Rockies were playing the Expos, and I think they won.  But what I remember most is sitting in the seats just outside the suite watching the game next to my intern.  It was a warm summer night, clear sky and just a hint of a breeze.  We had escaped the bustle of the suite behind us where salespeople were talking potential advertisers into buying time on the station.  It was just the two of us outside, with some of the other interns and a couple of newsroom folks still inside. 

I remember not paying too much attention to the game.  My date and I were trying not to let anyone else see us holding hands or stealing kisses between innings.  I DO remember the name of this woman, but I'm not saying.  She still works in TV, although not in Denver.  We dated for a while after that, but nothing will ever compare to the innocence, the joy, the excitement we felt at that baseball game, our first real date.

So, you see, to me, baseball games hold some special memories for me.  I think they're great dates and I'd take a woman out on a date to a game in a heartbeat again if I get the chance.  If I ask a woman out on a date to a game and she balks, I know that she's probably not the one for me.  It's a measuring stick, of a sort, and I'm okay with that.

10 Other Great Dates:

But, this being Colorado, there are so many different fun things to do that could constitute a great bachelor date.  Of course, not all of these activities are for everyone, but perhaps they might give you some ideas.

1.  Mountain climbing, biking, hiking, etc. -  So many friends of mine have met through some kind of outdoor activity, which only makes sense because it's Colorado.  I'm not much for hiking or biking or mountain climbing, but it might work for you.

2.  Skiing - You might think this falls into the above category, but it doesn't.  This is because anyone can ski, not everyone can climb a friggin' mountain.  I've done ski dates, and they're fantastic.  Skiing with a date is a great way to bond, or it could drive a wedge between you, either way, your relationship will probably never be the same afterwards.

3.  Tubing - Staying with the "outdoor" theme, tubing is fun, liesurely way of having a fun date.  It's better than swimming and it's less stressful than the other dates mentioned.  You just put a tube on a river and float down, laughing, talking and splashing.  River rafting falls into the same genre, only you're doing it with others and it's a little more dangerous.  You don't want your date to fall off and drown just as you're getting to know them.  Risky, but fun.

4.  A-thoning - As Amy mentioned in her comment yesterday, there are a lot of runner in Colorado.  A lot of people bond through training for a marathon and then running a marathon.  This isn't for me, I'd rather poke my eyes out with a stick than run a marathon, but hey, it works for some folks.

5.  Museums - I LOVE museums.  Art museums, history museums, they all rock!  Going to see an exhibit with a date is a wonderful way to get closer to a date, find out about them and have fun at the same time.  Plus, you might learn something, which is always a bonus. 

6.  Karaoke - There's a catch here.  You can't do this date on a Friday or Saturday night.  It's too crowded and loud to have any kind of actual conversation.  But if you do it during a night that isn't too crowded, it can be a very special date, kind of like an old Facts of Life episode, only without the teen drama.  Doing karaoke makes you a little vulnerable, and nothing brings people closer than being vulnerable together.  Plus, if you can sing, you can win her heart by singing her a love song.  It hasn't worked for me yet, but I haven't given up on it.

7.  Doing something dangerous - Sky diving, bunjee jumping, spelunking, Scuba diving, all things that could kill you.  So file this under the heading of, "if it doesn't kill us, it makes us stronger".  Once again, like karaoke, nothing bonds you faster than almost dying together.  Or it could make her hate you forever.  

8.  A community event -  These are great.  I keep trying to get a woman to go with me to the Furry Scurry in Denver.  I think it'd be a great date.  Surrounded by thousands of dogs, walking your own pet.  Two miles of walking, playing with dogs and talking.  Then you can grab lunch afterwards, or hell, even havea  picnic in the park.

9.  Speaking of picnics -  They are great for getting to know a date.  Usually there's a large group of people there, so it's less threatening, there's some kind of activity going on, like volleyball or flag football or kickball, there's food, drinks and all kinds of time to talk and hang out together.  Plus, if it's going well, you can leave anytime you want.  It's a win-win.

10.  Drinks at a bar -  Let me explain.  I'm not talking about going to a bar to get hammered.  I'm talking about meeting at a local, quiet bar where you can just sit and talk, maybe play a game of darts and really get to know each other.  Avoid the crowded bars, it's too hard to talk in them and they're full of younger men with better bodies who might steal your date away.  And no one wants that.

11.  Camping -  This is an extra idea, and one that could be even riskier than sky diving or karaokeing and river rafting.  This is definitely NOT first date material.  But after a couple of months, a quiet weekend in the mountains, alone, preferably near some hot springs, might be worth a try.  You'll get to know someone very quickly after three days in the wilderness alone.  Like that old Seinfeld bit, a weekend trip together is like 10 dates packed into one.  Subsequently, a two day camping trip is like six months of dating crammed into a weekend.  If you still want to be with her afterwards, and vice-versa, then there might be hope for you and her.

As you can see, I have a particular criteria at work here.  Anything you do has to allow you to be able to actually talk to your date.  This is why more traditional dates aren't on the list.  Things like dance clubs, concerts, movies or shows or most sporting events aren't great bachelor dates.  They don't allow you to talk to your potential partner. 

So, gear up, get out and start taking some more unusual dates.  In the end, whatever you decide to do, make sure it's something that you'll enjoy.  That way, even if the date turns out to be completely disasterous, at least you'll have fun.  And isn't that the whole point anyway? 


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